Throughout the passage of time, there have been few dichotomies as remarkable as the stupidity & humor mixed within the digital pages of this website. But don't take a simple cockroaches word for it, just check out these testimonials!
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- Siskel & Roper
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- Dr. Ruth
"Hey Wraggie! I wround a wrue! I wround a wrue!"
- Scooby Doo
"If only I had seen this before I killed my I take that back, I didn't mean that...Can you turn that tape recorder off now?"
- O.J. Simpson
"This site was so funny, I peed in someone else's pants!"
- Former President Gerald Ford
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- Tonya Harding
"This website totally sucks!!! I'd rather die than view this crap again!!!"
- Mother Teresa's Final Words
"If this guy decides to make an operating system, I'm in big trouble!"
- Bill Gates
"I laughed SO hard, my penis fell off again!"
- John Wayne Bobbit
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