a shameless advertisement!
For the Serious Artist...
understand exactly how you feel. You spend hours upon hours creating that
perfect facial texture to put on your perfectly posed Vicky model, only to to
have your thunder stolen by another lame artist who spent half the time you did
creating a work that some people consider "funny" or
"original." Who the hell do these people think they
are?!?!? Don't they realize your art is so much more important? Why
do they have to waste valuable space in a gallery that would benefit more from
your shining example? They are fools I tell ya! Fools!
ell you have come to a place that understands your importance to the art
community (and the world in general.) I have personally compiled a list of
comments that I hope will do your work justice (now we know there are no words
in the English dictionary that truly describe the greatness of it, but we did
the best we could.)
me when I say these comments have been specially written for your art
only! Any other serious artists who visit this page will see different
(and much less flattering) comments.
without a further ado, praise to the only artist who truly deserves it!
"what a great concept!!! i simply love the expression in your art.... it looks amazing!"
"Whoa! This is very, very impressive. You have my respect!"
"Dang! That's superb! Excellent colors to achieve the style."
"A true masterpiece! Superb idea and execution. :)"
"Nothing to say except that I'm speechless. Awesome job!"
"The detail is so evocative. Your execution is a flawless 10!!!"
"Well, this has to be one of my all time favorites. Astonishing!!!"
"You're a great artist, and unbelievably productive as well. A 10+++ and congratulations."
"BIG SALUTE >>>>>> I am just speechless for the first time... A very big salute to you sir:)
"Alright... thats it! I'm giving up art forever! I mean, come on! How could I possibly compete with work of this caliber!?"
"Heaven would be living inside your artwork!"
"I await your next masterpiece with baited breath! Heck, I will hold my breath until I see it!"
"I just had to bask in the glory of this masterpiece. You are a genius. When I die, Heaven will seem pale and trivial."
"I wept openly. The skillful use of textures alone inspires me to ask if I might study at your feet one day."
"Well, I'm hooked. From this night onward, you will find me sitting in a pool of my own urine, weeping with alternate joy and despair: joy, because I have glimpsed true greatness, and despair, because I can never hope to even lick the boot-heel of such a magnificent artist.
hope these praises at least hint at your true greatness. You will notice
there are no rankings on this list. It is not because the rankings feature
is disabled, its because a perfect "10" is assumed. You are also
listed as the ONLY artist in our best rankings list (you know, the one in our
heart...) I hope our undying love (and the sacrifice of our first born
children) is enough to inspire you to create more art that we are not worthy to
look at.
