Ok, now we get to the real fun. The art itself. An image thumbnail is only attached if it is important to understand the "joke" so to speak. It does not imply that particular image is better than anything else. Also, keep in mind some of these links lead to images that contain nudity or violence. If that doesn't bother you, enjoy the show! Before we begin, please take the time to read this disclaimer! You are not allowed to continue without first viewing it! What the Categories Mean: |
'O' Smegma" by loneglyph Do you have an opinion or comment about this website? Please drop by and post them. Insulting comments or snide remarks will be particularly appreciated! |
ADDED: 02/17/02 | "Why
they cancelled cheerleading practice" by thedoctor You can't go wrong with a cheerleading squad being mauled by velociraptors. Classic! |
Father" by SpideyBat Inspiration for loneglyph's image "The Most Perfect (and Nutritious) Artwork Ever!!!" |
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Babe" by SpideyBat One of my personal favorites. The picture says it all... |
ADDED: 02/17/02 | "My
first Rendering" by Paul_McCartney Either the musician forgot how to speak English properly, or Paul is pulling our collective leg... |
ADDED: 02/17/02 | "I
Find The Lady" by Paul_McCartney Part 2 in Paul's learning curve. He's almost ready for an "animasion" job. |
Pussy" by Swannie Although it may be hard to believe, the image is actually BETTER than the title would suggest! |
ADDED: 08/21/01 | "Up yours!
:-)" by nitro115 The reason why I'm a dog person... |
"The Truth About Cat
Woman" by AARoberts I found the idea to be hilarious! Apparently the audience didn't get the joke... |
Frogy, Frogy" by Mock Sick, twisted, and one of the greatest works of our time! |
"CM VS. DR.DOOM" by Black-Rain Although this image wasn't intended to be funny, my twisted mind considers this to be the Best Superhero/Villain Sodomy Pic ever! |
of the Ogre (contribution to pin-up month)" by
XxX_Evil_Bob_XxX Best Renderosity pinup pic ever! |
Abreast Of Technology" by mjshepherd Bad Pun or profound social criticism? You be the judge... |
"T&A it moves if you look at it for 5 sceonds" by RatFart The artist is a genius! Even his username kick ass! |
"Dawn of His
Persistence" by bigjoe Do the clouds on the sphere represent Man's awareness of his own impending death or was it just the first default Bryce texture the artists saw? You decide. |
STRIKE" by supertrackxc Image that speaks to me on so many levels! Apparently some people don't get the joke. |
Stick Boy!!!" by loneglyph The comments are the best part of this work. The art itself just plain sucks! |
"God Have Mercy on us
All.." by Audiophile At first this one might make you feel slightly uneasy, but hey! Handicapped people need role models too!!! |
"the ass beyond the ass
constipated)" by starter You gotta look! You know, just for the title... |
ADDED: 08/18/01 | "Playbot - Issue
1" by BazGibb Finally a magazine for the likes of me!!! |
ADDED: 08/20/01 | "Oops,
sorry" by frogdot Satan + urinals = funny! |
"Top 20 Pinup
Girls" by Archanejill Social commentary combined with a pop quiz equals fun in any book! |
Jesus" by uy-ht Its so funny how controversial religious art can bring out the best in some people. |
"godamn frenchys allways eating the
baby" by twiztid lotus That has got to be the strangest title I ever seen! The pic is kinda gross (you have been warned!) |
Under the Lip Tree*" by Balthaz@r You'd think the title was a metaphor for something meaningful. You'd be wrong... |
"The 3rd
Bong" by RickDK The description "It is fairly simple yet it kicks ass" says it all. Too bad the audience didn't get it... |
"Getting away with my
head!!!!" by DevilsDelight Nothing very funny about the image or comments. I'm just jealous that I didn't think of that title first!!! |
"Evil Faeri - let's talk in heaben
:P" by julienvan You gotta love pictures that use emoticons in the title! |
ADDED: 08/20/01 | "You Need A Gun To Blow My
Mind" by Big Chill Ummm. Uhhh. I really don't know what to say about this one. I'm sooo confused!!! |
ADDED: 02/17/02 | "Eatin'what?!!"
by remc Mmmmmm. Fast food... |
ADDED: 02/17/02 | "uH
oHH!" by todd Strange. Very strange. I feel like the lone guy in the picture. Buggin'! |
ADDED: 02/17/02 | "Win,
Place, Show" by KenG Aliens, in a horse race, riding dinosaurs. This man is a genius! |
ADDED: 02/17/02 | "Worf
Meets Santa" by TheCountess Do I smell a movie deal in the works for this one? |
ADDED: 02/17/02 | "Scarlett
O'Klinger" by TheCountess Some things just shouldn't be brought together. Fortunately, this isn't one of those! |
ADDED: 02/17/02 | "Man
with a huge mosquito on his head" by PtrckVnk This has got to be the best "Man with a huge mosquito on his head" pic ever! |
ADDED: 02/17/02 | "How
would you like this?" by PtrckVnk I have to be honest and say wouldn't like this to happen to me. I wouldn't like it at all... |
"I Hate When That
Happens" by nitegrafix An inventive B-Move horror 3D art piece that reminds us all to clean our showers regularly! |
ADDED: 02/17/02 | "Python
Challenge" by Ghostofmacbeth Wonderful remake of a scene from one of the best movies ever made! |
"High School Drama
Class" by nivek High School was never this fun! |
Babes" by nivek The name says it all! Its a party waiting to happen! |
Time" by nivek Raptors eating naked women while the Renderosity community has fun with it. Gotta love it! |
by jsson Best Hooters ever! The first comment says it all. |
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we there yet?" by Blinddog Most shamelessly misleading thumbnail ever! The locations are worth a closer look! |
dr. the real version (nudity" by macrey18 This quote says it all: "those alien bastards KICK ASS!" |
"cracked" by bobmanou He must be using one of those new fangled digital cameras to be able to place this in the photography gallery. |
ADDED: 08/18/01 | "Beat On The
Brat" by Dimitri Van Hove I just love it when people decide to bash pop celebrities! |
"Alpha 1 Escape sunkin world
!!!!!!!!" by mqshocker Some clever techniques to make this image. The comments however are just plain wrong! |
ADDED: 08/25/01 | "The Trouble With
Convertibles" by achtung_333 Contrary to the rumors, that is not me on my last summer trip. Someone take this picture down!!! |
ADDED: 08/25/01 | "Fall
In The Park" by achtung_333 I just love it when I'm not the one being humiliated and embarrassed like that. |
"Made in
Hurry" by zooh zooh spent the better part of his time insulting other people's work. It became a free-for-all once he started posting work of his own... |
Thou" by zooh The title of this work only hints at the playful banter that transpires inside! What fun! |
"Candles Of
Death" by zooh An interesting idea but once the artist got started with the insults, no one could let it go... |
!?" by ABI Art Feel the love from the Renderosity community... |
"Hotter than Hell"
by thrmltdown THE most helpful suggestions for improvement ever!!! |
Strike" by nightshift001 The kindness to new artists is touching! |
1" by dezzarray The award for "Sweetest comment on a work of art" goes to... AGOR! |
"Real Blonde" by noteri | |
"Bumming a ride
home..." by CireNJ It's cute, its adorable. So someone decides to make fun of it... |
"In the
park" by MGSkaggs Winner of the most unusual quote ever is... Quarl !!! |
"thingy" by mvzear The most descriptive title ever! |
"Spring Couple"
by Anastasia Winner of the most ironic comment ever made... grid !!! |